Sunday, January 02, 2005


O & O C.I.C.B. London (Hugh Carlisle QC, Geoffrey Nice QC, Daniel Hollis QC)
O1: £4000 General Damages O2: £1750 General Damages

The Os were brothers (of African origin) who visited a nightclub in Essex in 1995. Inside the nightclub the brothers split up and O1 was subjected to an unprovoked racial attack with a bottle which was not witnessed by O2. As O1 ran out after the perpetrator O2 was made aware of the situation and saw O1 with a large amount of blood coming out of a wound to his head. O1 claimed to the Board for a 1” permanent scar and a series of smaller permanent scars on his face. He also claimed for nervous shock. O2 claimed for nervous shock on the basis of seeing his brother’s injuries, whose psychiatric effect (of sleeplessness, nightmares and anxiety attacks) was exacerbated by the attack being racially motivated and unprovoked, resulting in his feeling anxious whenever he was in the company of white people since the incident and a general feeling of distrust of white people.

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